Limping Across the Finish Line

Cycle 2 – Week 14

I'm not even going to pretend these are weekly updates anymore. I've been doing such a poor job of keeping this weekly and have been so slow in development lately that even trying is pointless now. So, from now on, updates will come whenever I feel I have a substantial number of new developments to show off to make it worth my time. I will keep myself to some schedule, but now, they will be at least once a month instead of weekly updates. If I get a lot done and it warrants a blog post, I'll make one, but I must post at least once a month.

This was the final week of my Spring semester here at Shawnee, and as such, the final polish for my senior project was the focus of development. This includes getting the final logic loops in and adding post-processing to make the game pop.

The first thing was finally getting the gameplay loop in. You can now fully play the game from menu to race and back again. Of course, plenty of features and visuals remain to be implemented. It is rather bare bones now, but it works, and with finals coming soon, that's all I care about right now.

With gameplay sorted, I wanted to improve the visuals at least a little bit to make the game not feel as much of an incomplete product. And while I don't have the time to acquire models, let alone make my own, post-processing and light baking can still give the game a nice shine. It's not much, and I'm still learning how to make the most out of them, but what I have implemented is just a nice touch to give the game more depth to look at.

Before Post-Process

After Post-Process

So that's it. My senior project is complete. I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted to. This semester took a lot out of me, both physically and mentally, but the fact that I managed to get a working game out of it still leaves me feeling satisfied. It works, people can play it, it's not too buggy, and that's fine with me.

That's not to say I'm finished with this. I still plan on making this into a fuller game with proper graphics and content, but it served its purpose as a tool to learn what it's like being a game dev.

This concludes this week's report.


Welcome to Camp, Private.