The Finish Line…For Now

Cycle 2 – Week 14

Here we are, the final week of this development log. 12 entrees and roughly a year of development time, this will be the final entry into the production of my first major project. From a blank Unity project to a working demo.

While I may have been unable to keep to my goal of one development log per week, I was still able give a clear and detailed record of the development that went into making this game. And that’s all I personally wanted to achieve with this.

So for this final entry, there was only two things left to do before I could put a bow on this project.

The first thing was finally getting the gameplay loop in. You can now fully play the game from menu to race and back again. It may not sound like much, but having a completed gameplay loop is the mark of real progress in game development. Its the moment where all these individual systems you’ve been building so far come together to work as a whole and show what this game aims to be.

With gameplay sorted, I wanted to improve the visuals at least a little bit. I don't have the time to acquire models, rig animations and so on, but I can implement post-processing and light baking to give the game a nice shine. Good post-processing and lighting can do wonders to elevate the look of a game. Its no replacement to actual models and textures, but it can still makes the game feel less half baked.

Before Post-Process

After Post-Process

So that's it. My senior project is complete. Like any personal project, I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted to. This semester took a lot out of me, both physically and mentally, but the fact that I managed to get a working game out, and only in a year, of it still a great achievement. It works, people can play it, it's not too buggy, and I’m happy.

That's not to say I'm finished with this. I still plan on making this into a full game with proper graphics and content someday, but for now, for the purposes as a senior project, it served its purpose as a tool to learn what it's like being a game dev.

This concludes this Development Log.


Welcome to Camp, Private.