The Actual Gameplay.
Week 11
This week started the development of the racing control systems, the actual meat of the game. Things are starting off simple. A checkpoint system that tracks players progression through the course.
The base for the system was inspired by Code Monkeys own tutorial on a simpler checkpoint system.
However, I’ve modified it in multiple ways to suit this game’s needs and my own programming and design style.
To start, rather than having the checkpoints directly reference the base controller, I employ Unity events to have more disconnect in the system. This also allows me to having other systems and objects react when a player cross a specific checkpoint, as events are broadcasted to anything that wants to listen, without having to directly know the originator.
Next was the use of a Dictionary and GUIDs for the racers to allow the system to track the progression of multiple cars without fear of them overlapping each other. Each car is generated a unique GUID id at the start of a race and registers that id with the race system. It then uses those ids to identify what car passes through what checkpoint and updates there position respectively.
A simple test environment later and a simple checkpoint system is operational.