Stage 1 Clean-up
Week 2
This week was focused on some simple clean up tasked in order to tie up loose ends before diving into the next stage. This included code refactoring, fixing some issues that needed to be patched, and some quality-of-life stuff editor wise.
The big thing is that vehicle turning and control has been smoothed out. The long and short of the fix was basically to Lerp everything. If there was a value that had anything to do with direct vehicle movement, (i.e., not calculations but positions and rotation.) Then run it through a Lerp. Adding a simple Lerp function to a value dose wonders in something out the change.
Also, that issue to the vehicles motor sphere occasionally catching an edge has also been fixed. Turns out all I need to do was change the Rigidbody’s Collision Detection to Continuous. This change cause some slight jittering to the vehicle model, but nothing some smoothing out with Lerp function cant fix.
Another thing was making the car script nicer to look at. I had been using the Odin Inspector addon and it makes editing values attached to scripts look so much nicer. Unity come built in with a few of these types of elements, but Odin adds so many more. Even something as simple as grouping values into box drawers drastically improved readability.
(Colors may changed in the future. Not that it matters to the end user.)