Project 01.
Welcome to the Anaglyph Laboratory test subject and thank you for signing up for the RaB project.
You are here to test our recently developed Color Equals Reality paint, a unique substance that can make objects appear and disappear based on an observer’s color perception. To help you with these experiments, you will be provided with the Shift Spects, a pair of 3D glasses that can shift your color perspective between red and blue, causing objects painted in the opposite color to disappear.
You will use these glasses to work through various test chambers, encountering the Color Equals Reality paint in multiple scenarios and situations. Using these glasses, you will work through various test chambers, encountering the Color Equals Reality paint in numerous scenarios and situations. We hope you’re in good physical condition because you’ll be expected to run, jump, wall run, and climb to complete these test chambers. But we at the Anaglyph Laboratory have faith in you.
One final note: Due to scheduling conflicts with some of the other departments, we only have access to the test chamber for a limited amount of time, so we ask you to complete each test chamber as fast as possible. We will even incentivize you to do so by giving you a higher grade on your Test Subject evaluation upon completion of the tests. And a higher evaluation means a bigger paycheck, so you best get moving.