Project 02.
So, you want to be a Recoil League racer?
It's not easy; the competition is fierce, and the races are grueling. They're known for taking active battlefields and turning them into racetracks. It doesn't matter if it's trench warfare or on the deck of a battleship. But if you're determined, you'll have to master the league's claim to fame, the Speeder Tank.
The Speeder Tank is an equine machine, a repurposed military tank now a vehicle for the highest octane races the world has ever seen. It is faster than any race car and has a turret that can turn in an instant. But its most impressive feat is its ability to use the recoil of its gun to boost it down the track for even greater speeds. A tank's main feature is no longer just for combat. That's not to say you can't use it to shoot your fellow racers; in fact, it's even encouraged.